Chances are you’ve heard of menopause, or “The Change”, but were you aware of the change before the change? Welcome to Perimenopause, arguably the most frequently ignored stage of womanhood.
Perimenopause, otherwise known as menopause transition, begins several years before a woman enters menopause. It usually occurs in a woman’s 40s, but can start as early as the 30s. This phase of menopause can last for as little as a few months and as long as four years.
Symptoms of perimenopause may include:
The physical changes of perimenopause are caused by hormonal shifts due to variations in the level of circulating estrogen. In the last one to two years of perimenopause, drops in estrogen speed up and result in menopause symptoms.
What do I do if I’m suffering with perimenopause/menopause symptoms?
If you have symptoms that are interfering with your life or well-being, there is hope. A simple blood test can provide valuable information on your hormone levels and you could be a candidate for hormone therapy. Learn more here about how our team can help.
Symptoms of perimenopause may include:
- irregular periods
- periods that are heavier or lighter than normal
- more severe PMS symptoms
- breast tenderness
- weight gain
- hair changes
- increased heartbeat
- headaches
- loss of sex drive
- concentration difficulties
- forgetfulness
- muscle aches
- urinary tract infections
- fertility issues (in women who are trying to conceive)
The physical changes of perimenopause are caused by hormonal shifts due to variations in the level of circulating estrogen. In the last one to two years of perimenopause, drops in estrogen speed up and result in menopause symptoms.
What do I do if I’m suffering with perimenopause/menopause symptoms?
If you have symptoms that are interfering with your life or well-being, there is hope. A simple blood test can provide valuable information on your hormone levels and you could be a candidate for hormone therapy. Learn more here about how our team can help.
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