Everyone knows that eating right is important to overall health. But, did you know that anxiety symptoms can be triggered by certain foods we eat? Studies show that some foods boost mood while others worsen stress and anxiety. According to the National In
June is Men’s Health Awareness month, which aims to “heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of diseases among men and boys.” This campaign is anchored by a Congressional health education pro
Symptoms of insomnia affect most of us at some point in our lives. If you have trouble falling asleep, or sleep fitfully rather than soundly, you’re not alone—at least 50 to 70 million American adults have experienced some form of sleep disorder. Heal
Oftentimes when we decide it’s time to “get healthy”, we start by participating in physical activities like going to the gym or playing a sport, but what about activities that keep us mentally and emotionally healthy like self care, stress managemen
Getting older involves a lot of life and bodily changes — both negative and positive. However, you can still enjoy the aging process as long as you understand what is going on with your body and take the necessary steps to maintain your health. Life
PRP therapy is a natural approach to a variety of bodily ailments. Although the procedures are slightly different for men and women, both utilize platelet rich plasma (PRP) injected into specific locations to enhance, rejuvenate and restore function. Thes
Located between your voice box and collarbones and no bigger than your thumb, your thyroid affects just about every process in the body. The thyroid produces hormones that regulate metabolism by controlling the amount of calories burned and how fast (or s
June is the time to celebrate the men in our lives, but not just because Father’s Day falls in June. June is also Men’s Health Month and throughout the country, health officials are trying to raise awareness about the importance of yearly doctor v
It is common for people to discuss their health issues, but it is rare for people to speak about their sexual wellness. Often times, many men and women who experience sexual dysfunction of any sort are afraid to discuss their concern with anyone. However,
Every New Year, 60 percent of us make New Year’s resolutions. However, just eight percent of Americans actually achieve those goals. Why do the other 52 percent of resolutions fail? Because too often we make vague goals — like “lose weight” in